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Membership for the infrastructure

When a new Portal/Hub signs up one will pay a yearly fee for the administration of the reciprocity (you give and get back) and management of the inspirational network. This way the hub partners can concentrate on the local educational participation, discussion and transformation of inspiration into action.


The HUB/Portal master determines how the local education and international education is organized and financed according to the local standards of living. The relationship with STIR is based on:


* Yearly membership fee

* You give what you take (1 inspiration session put into the network give right for one back)

* Option to receive global STIR support and guidance for higher level cooperative development


Read here the simple rules

How does the STIR network work

A STIR Portal consist of a place where people can gather around a high speed interactive online facility. (Lecture theatre, videoconferencing room, etc).


Organizing such HUB is a local responsibility. It connects to STIR through membership.

Example of the STIR network

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